I think I will blog about moments...

Friday, September 19, 2008

a raindrop moment

I found the following at esermons.com and had to post it. I too searched for an author and could not find anything. In this moment all I can think about is possibilites and choices. Lord, how can I be - for your kingdom - just a raindrop.

Here is a Poem which I heard on Paul Harvey after Katrina. I have no idea who the author is but it makes a great illustration for the importance of every individual to do good or evil (as is the case with the poem.). It fits in well with this week's text (Matthew 21:23-32) and the importance of just one person's obedience. The line breaks are all mine and is an attempt to duplicate Paul Harvey's cadence.

I am Just A Raindrop

I am just a raindrop
I was born in the sky and settled into a hillside
there to dance in the sun and sparkle
And nourish green and growing things

But there are other raindrops on the hillside
and they invite me to join them for a downhill romp,
and we become a chain of raindrops.
Thus able to travel faster and what do you know
soon others join us until we become a stream
now remember I'm still just a drop of rain.
And yet the other drops say
I'm important to them and they are important to me
and together we hasten downward toward the beautiful forest.

The grass bends in our path
the soil beneath us begins to crumble
until my companions and I are carving out a pathway
farther and deeper
until we are tearing little gullies in the earth
and then big gullies.
I'm just a little drop of rain
its my friends who have the power
I'm just along for the ride

Ahead a towering tree
stands majestically at the edge of the forest.
And soon my friends and I
are playfully ripping the soil from the roots
and its roots from the rocks
and low and behold the great tree comes crashing down in front of me.

For a long moment the tree lies motionless:
Facedown, defeated, dying.

But then my friends and I are under, and lifting, and moving the great tree
carrying it before us as a huge battering ram.
Nothing can stop us now.
I wonder if I can stop my self now, or, if I even want to.
Into the forest we plunge my friends and I
and our battering ram tree.

Other trees grouped together stand their ground,
from us they can see there is strength in numbers.
And our numbers are greater.

Our battering ram is sideways now.
We raindrops get behind;
we push with all of our might.
My friends and I are learning the strength and the weaknesses of tress.
Erode the soil, denude the roots, and you leave them with nothing to hold to.

So, soon, we are a raging torrent.
And they and we and the turncoat tree are thundering toward the sea.
And I am freighted.
I'm just a little raindrop,
but I'm soiled now.

How did I become a part of this?
I never wanted to conquer, nor to destroy
I only needed to be needed.
I only needed to be one of the crowd.

Down there ahead, at the end of the valley
Dear God that's a town!
I will not be a part of this any longer.
Now my friends have gone too far.
Far too far.
I'm stopping right here right now.
But I can't. I can't stop.

I am no longer me.
I am something different then I ever meant to be.
It took a thousand million gallons of water they say
to drown that town that day.

So don't blame me.
I'm only one little drop of rain.

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