I think I will blog about moments...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

a moment to freak out

I believe that I heard our beloved young professor say that we do not have to blog this week. I think I will write something anyway. I feel like I need all the points I can get, so it's better to be safe than sorry.

I arrived on campus about 5:00 yesterday afternoon and went to my room. About 5:15 I took the spiral notebook that contains my PR class notes out of my camputer bag. I opened it to see if there were enough blank pages remaining for note taking and saw, A Case Study: The Tylenol Murders. Oh no! I think I was supposed to read this or something. And it gets better, I was also supposed to have comments on paper. I read the paper as I drove to class. I scribbled some comments on paper after arriving in class and turned that mess in.

It gets even better. Underneath the Tylenol case study sat my syllabus. I glanced at it and saw that the last day of class is December 9th. I thought I had two weeks to study for this test and do my PR project! I only have one!!! Excuse me while I take a moment to freak out.     


cupcake said...

ohhhh, yeah... I totally freaked out on Wed when I remembered, "THE TYLONAL MURDERS" dum da daaaa (scarry music). I was pretty bummed that I spaced that assignment out but I had to let it go! Anyway, I do not think we have to blog anymore but I sure am glad you did! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you & your family have a great Christmas!

KV said...

haha Steve- I'm with you...better safe than sorry. :) I'm about to go post something real quick, just in case!
Hope studying is going well, we're all going to do fine! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you over-achieving bloggers. And, you know I love a blog shout-out (beloved young professor has a nice ring to it). Good luck tonight!!

JWARD said...

A year with no moments... so sad.

Wish you and Wanda the best. You all were a blessing to the Hunter/Garber communities and will be missed. I know you will continue to change the world everywhere you go.

Much love,

Steve said...

Julie, you are so right, a year with no moments...so sad. The deal is, I know it was a year full of moments. Perhaps I should re-commit myself to this blog. There are too many moments to miss.

Thank you for your kind words. You will also be missed.

God bless,
