The image you see above is now the wallpaper on my office computer monitor.
Have you prayed about it?
The setting in which I do ministry has recently changed. This new place is unfamiliar and big.
There is much to do. Last week I had a moment when I recognized that I was trying to do things under my own power and not taking everything to the Lord first.
Have you prayed about it?
Now, when I sit down at my desk and begin my day, this is the first image I see.
It is there to remind me to pray—first.
Have you prayed about it?
I also see it periodically during the day.
Have you prayed about it?
And finally, it is the last thing I see before I rise from my desk and go home in the afternoon.
Have you prayed about it?
In the gospels Jesus prayed, he encouraged his followers to pray, and he taught them how to pray. Have you prayed about it?
Over and over again, the authors of the New Testament letters encourage their readers to pray.
They tell us things like: don’t be anxious, but pray—if you don’t know what to pray, pray anyway—pray for your leaders—pray for each other—pray for strength—pray to be fruitful—if you are sick or in trouble, pray—pray continually. Whatever it is, and only you know what IT is,
have you prayed about it first and often?
I am excited and challenged to begin my first semester at Asbury Seminary next month.
I am excited about my new church and working with the young adults and senior adults.
I am excited about the things that we will soon be doing in evangelism, hospitality, and nurture.
I am excited about the many other things the Lord will call us to.
I am praying about it and I will continue to pray about it.
What are you excited about? Have you prayed about it?
What are you concerned about? Have you prayed about it?
Will you pray about it?
Take a moment and pray about it.